Top 5 Reasons To Use Bamboo Kitchenware

For the past century, we have consumed the earth’s natural resources for the production of industrial and home needs.  A great part of our forests was exploited, but now we are in the process of replacing what was lost. In an effort to create kitchenware and home goods that are sustainable, high quality, and lasting, we found a product that wouldn’t have a negative impact on our environment. And so our line of JOR bamboo kitchenware was born.

Bamboo is more than just a sustainable, replenishable resource. From the way it grows to the final product stored in your kitchen cabinets, these are the top 5 reasons to use bamboo kitchenware in your home.

Bamboo is Eco-Friendly 

One of the first things we look for when designing new kitchenware and home decor products are materials that aren’t slowly draining the earth of its natural resources. 

When we choose to consume products that require deforestation, the damage impacts far more than just a single forest. Hard-to-replace trees can take years and even decades to regrow. In the meantime, animals lose their natural habitat, and greenhouse gasses increase in the atmosphere. This exposes the land to erosion, desertification, as well as climate change and its wider impact. 

Bamboo, on the other hand, does not require long growing periods. It replenishes rapidly in order to prevent the negative effects of deforestation. Other eco-friendly benefits of bamboo growing and harvesting include:

  • Bamboo does not require fertilizers and therefore doesn’t harm the soil or increase costs to grow.
  • It does not require meticulous care or monitoring.
  • Bamboo is harvested every three to four years, making it a great renewable resource.

The materials that can be produced from bamboo are abundant, providing for the consumer’s needs while protecting the environment. By using bamboo products in the home, you are helping to change consumer behavior toward products that are good for you and the earth. 

Bamboo Kitchenware Stands the Test of Time

Another reason we love working with bamboo kitchenware is its strength and durability. Plastic and wood tend to break down over time. Plastic cooking utensils become misshapen when used with high heat, or their surface starts to fray and flake. Not only does this cause potential contamination to your food, but it means tossing your old utensils and replacing them every few years. Certain wood, likewise, become stained and corroded over time, losing its durability. 

Where plastic and certain wood finishes fall short, however, bamboo makes up for in long-lasting use and strength. Bamboo kitchenware holds up against heat, liquids, and anything you can throw at it, but it is equally lightweight and flexible. Instead of becoming brittle like aged wood, bamboo retains its durable, strong, and flexible surface over the years. No more replacing old kitchenware every two years. 

Stain, Water, and Heat Resistant 

Kitchenware is unique in that it serves a variety of purposes. We use it to cook, bake, serve, display, and eat. We need our kitchen products to withstand heat, liquid, chopping, stirring, and any number of other activities. 

Bamboo is a unique material. It is stain, water, and heat resistant, making it the perfect material for your kitchen. Bamboo cutting boards can handle everything from your veg to your raw meat without absorbing the byproduct into its surface. 

Cooking utensils can also handle both heat and liquids. You don’t have to worry about staining or damaging your bamboo kitchenware. Cooking curry? Chili? Tomato soup? Bamboo won’t stain or absorb any of your savory dishes. 

Certain wood material, on the other hand, absorbs particles every time you cook. And no amount of water can wash it away. When you clean your wood kitchenware, it also absorbs the water, never fully drying out. This creates a breeding ground for bacteria. 

Bamboo is Non-toxic 

This is especially significant when it comes to the products we use to cook, serve, and eat our food. While BPA is banned from baby bottles and sippy cups, there’s a good chance that much of your kitchenware still contain the dangerous chemical. 

Bamboo, which is grown without pesticides and chemical fertilizers, is naturally non-toxic. Add in our careful manufacturing practices and bamboo kitchenware and bamboo fibre products make the perfect alternative to chemical-ridden products. Instead of Teflon, BPA, or the many other chemical substances found in everyday kitchenware, bamboo kitchenware allows you to enjoy your food without the risk of contamination.

Healthy & Safe 

One of the things we love most about bamboo kitchenware is how healthy and safe it is to use in our homes. Aside from being strong, stain-resistant, and non-toxic, bamboo is also antibacterial. 

When used as a kitchen tool, bamboo contains natural antibacterial properties which can regulate or control the spread of food contamination. This makes our food preparation experience a sure and safe one. Instead of worrying about your kitchenware staining and developing bacteria over time, bamboo provides an alternate experience. 

Whether you are using it to cook or serve your food, bamboo is a great alternative to other popular materials. With bamboo, you can be sure that you, your food, and your beautiful kitchenware will remain safe.

Ready to expand your bamboo kitchenware collection? Contact us at IK ORBIS for a full catalog of our bamboo products or to start your custom design today.